General CTF Rules
- If you need help or want to check a flag, include @CTF Helper, and one of us will help you.
- If you notice an issue or missing info, please send us a DM or @ us in the help channel.
- You can use any tools and information you find on the internet or elsewhere.
- Not all tools do the same thing or work the same way.
- All flags need to follow the format below:
- Some challenges will automatically give you the flag when you solve it. If this is the case, submit the flag as it is.
- Other challenges need to follow the format below.
- Enclosed in curly braces before submitting if they do not already have curly braces
- Spaces between words are replaced with underscores
- The first letter of a word will be capitalized when the word is a person, place, or unique item. (Jefferson Memorial not jefferson memorial or Jefferson memorial)
- Original flag: rules_flag or rules flag
- Submitted flag: IGE{rules_flag}
- If a flag is different from the expected format, prompts will specify the expected format.
Help, Hints, and Solutions
This CTF is beginner-friendly, and our goal is to help people learn new skills and have fun. Our staff are always happy to help participants solve challenges in the Beginner-Advanced difficulties if their primary goal is to learn. Staff will not give help, hints or solutions outside of those existing on the platform to competitive players.
- Beginner
- All solutions should be easily searchable.
- No prerequisite knowledge required of any terms or methods used in solving.
- Hints and solutions are provided with point deductions.
- Intermediate
- Solutions can be searchable, and some prerequisite knowledge is required.
- Hints are provided with point deductions.
- No help, hints, or solutions will be provided for competitive players.
- Advanced
- Solutions are not easily searchable, and prerequisite knowledge is required.
- No help, hints, or solutions will be provided for competitive players.
- Challenge + Sudden Death Categories
- No help or hints will be given for any challenges in these categories.
- Each challenge has a maximum of three attempts.
- If a challenge mentions that it is timed, you must DM an Admin in order to start the challenge.
- No unethical or unsportsman-like conduct.
- No toxic or disrespectful messages or actions.
- Don't delete flags or break services.
- Don't share flags or ask for flags.